William Crook
In 2000 my son & I were playing paintball A LOT!
With friends' interest, we purchased a small starter field setup, so we could all have fun playing paintball. A neighbor of a friend's property asked if we could do a paintball field for his church group. I said let me get back to you & 3 days later Mad Frog Portable Paintball Inc was born.
I put together a completely portable system we could take anywhere and we have taken it everywhere corporate parties, private estates, birthday parties in large back yards, carnivals, NASCAR events, air shows, TV shows all over the United States.
We have provided our services to multiple paintball companies, building new playfields & updating existing playfields.
Hitmen Air Powered Time Trials systems are built by us in house.
We now offer many products and services from clothing, playing gear, portable field rental, field construction services, & event promotions.
Feel free to ask what we can do for you.